Support Archives - Our Loved Baby Helping you Grieve and Cherish Your Baby | Miscarriage, Stillbirth, & Pregnancy Loss Support & Encouragement Mon, 11 Apr 2016 17:39:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Support Archives - Our Loved Baby 32 32 107596381 How One Church Decided to #HonorAllMoms Tue, 05 Apr 2016 22:16:22 +0000 Last year I started the #HonorAllMoms movement with the intent of showing love to bereaved mother’s and women who experience infertility. The outpouring of love was huge.  So many individuals and places of worship placed candles and flower arrangements in honor of mothers who mourn the loss of a baby or child. One sweet lady even incorporated a special message to women who’ve experienced loss into her church Mother’s Day tribute video.  The video included children of the church telling... Read more »

The post How One Church Decided to #HonorAllMoms appeared first on Our Loved Baby .


Last year I started the #HonorAllMoms movement with the intent of showing love to bereaved mother’s and women who experience infertility.

Honor All Moms Facebook

The outpouring of love was huge.  So many individuals and places of worship placed candles and flower arrangements in honor of mothers who mourn the loss of a baby or child.

One sweet lady even incorporated a special message to women who’ve experienced loss into her church Mother’s Day tribute video.  The video included children of the church telling their Mama’s “Happy Mother’s Day!”  But she didn’t forget the mothers who have little loves in heaven.  Watch below for the sweet expression of love!


Want to create your own tribute video?

1).  Individually video children of your church saying why they love their Mama.  Be prepared for super cute responses!

2).  Video one or two children expressing love to the Mama’s who have children in Heaven.  Let them tell these special women “Happy Mother’s Day!”

3).  Do your technology magic & create a video that you unveil on Mother’s Day.

4).  If you post it on social media will you tag it with #HonorAllMoms?  I’d love to see & share!


#HonorAllMoms Partners Facebook Logo

The post How One Church Decided to #HonorAllMoms appeared first on Our Loved Baby .

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How To Support a Loved One During Pregnancy Loss Mon, 29 Feb 2016 19:45:43 +0000 Tonya brought boxes and boxes of Chinese food, Leighann brought a dozen hot, still-gooey, straight out of the oven cookies, Amber brought the most delectable chocolate cupcakes I have ever eaten (& offered me her uterus), Chrissi brought a beautiful flower for me to plant and Mary sent me the most heartfelt letter via email because she was hundreds of miles away. I didn’t want them in my house. I thought I wanted to be alone. But like good girlfriends... Read more »

The post How To Support a Loved One During Pregnancy Loss appeared first on Our Loved Baby .

Tonya brought boxes and boxes of Chinese food, Leighann brought a dozen hot, still-gooey, straight out of the oven cookies, Amber brought the most delectable chocolate cupcakes I have ever eaten (& offered me her uterus), Chrissi brought a beautiful flower for me to plant and Mary sent me the most heartfelt letter via email because she was hundreds of miles away.

I didn’t want them in my house. I thought I wanted to be alone. But like good girlfriends do, in they pushed. There I sat with my eyes swollen and my stomach contracting with pain. Their eyes were soaked with tears, too. They hugged me & loved on me & then departed. Words were sparse but love was abounding. I needed them.



My husband cried. He listened. He pulled me close to his chest and wrapped his arms around my body. He fielded phone calls and told people I didn’t want to talk. He protected me. He told the sweet people at my church not to mention anything to me in a public setting. She’s just not ready to talk. Private yes, public no. Please pray. He told me how much they cared. He took me to the doctor. He made sure I ate. He let me mourn. He mourned. I needed him.

My brother called. Every day. He left messages. He sent texts. I’m just calling to check on you, Sis. I needed him.

My mom, dad, father-in law, mother-in law, and step-father in law each offered to babysit my son. They took care of him while I layed beside the Kleenex box in my bed. I needed them.

The strangers on the internet understood.  The ones in the support groups and chat rooms  were brutally honest.  The bloggers who wrote about their losses gave hope. I needed them.

My Professor at University nodded her head and said I’m sorry with her gentle glance when I entered class for the first time after my loss. I needed her.

My girlfriend’s husbands hugged me. They squeezed a bit harder when I placed my head on their warm shoulders. They didn’t utter a word, but I knew they cared. They told my husband they loved him. They asked my husband if he needed to talk.  We needed them.

My doctor and the nurses at the office hugged me. Their cheeks were landing grounds for tears. One nurse sent me a text the next day telling me she was thinking about me. I needed them.

My best friend forced me to go on a weekend getaway. Just the two of us. It wasn’t fancy. Just a hotel with a pool. We were the oldest people slipping down the waterside. She even brought a book to read. She hates to read. We laughed we giggled. She asked how I was doing. I needed her.

I need you to know that you can’t take away the pain. Tears will still pour from our eyes & our hearts will still ache. But I need you to know that we need your love.

Simply showing up means more than you’ll ever know.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; Mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15).

Ideas for Offering Support to Someone Who Has Experienced Miscarriage or Pregnancy Loss

  • Hug
  • Pray
  • Say I’m sorry
  • Send a letter, email, or text expressing your sincere condolences
  • Flowers
  • Don’t bring it up in a public place. You can nod, whisper I’m so sorry, or gently squeeze our hands, but please don’t ask us about our loss right before the company business meeting. Talk to us in a private place.
  • Respect us if we don’t want to talk
  • Listen if we do want to talk
  • Let us grieve
  •  Drop off food
  • Offer to babysit our other children. Ask us twice so we know you are serious, but don’t force us if we say no.
  • Gift a book: Miscarriage Resources & Links
  • Educate yourself: Miscarriage Resources & Links
  • Ask us if we need anything from the store. There are physical side effects to pregnancy loss
  • Gift this book: Love You Forever. The story was written to commemorate the author’s unborn child.
  • Give an angel ornament or some other token of appreciation.
  • Ask our partner if he needs to talk. Listen.
  • Invite us to dinner or coffee the weeks after our loss. Invite us to talk. Listen.
  • Subscribe to Stepping Stone’s eNewsletter.  Send an email to
  • Visit Miscarriage Resources & Links
  • Choose your words carefully. Read What Not To Say To Someone Who Had a Miscarriage
  • Invite your loved one to join Loved Baby Facebook Group
  • Understand that you can’t fix it but you can love on us.

The post How To Support a Loved One During Pregnancy Loss appeared first on Our Loved Baby .

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